El colapso de la Justicia es un tema conocido en España. Las tecnologías de captura de papel y gestión documental se convierten en elementos esenciales e inevitables para modernizar este sector.

La Justicia danesa está utilizando la tecnología de la empresa holandesa Zylab para capturar y gestionar las miles de páginas de documentación de uno de los juicios más importantes que se ha desarrollado en aquel país, el relativo a la organización Tvind, cuya investigación dura ya 20 años.

Zylab es una empresa con oficinas en España, fabricante de software para la captura masiva de documentación papel y la gestión de información digital,

Esta es la Nota de Prensa Original
McLean, Virginia, January 19, 2004—In one of the biggest scandals and court trials in Danish history, the entire leadership group of the international education, charitable, and developmental organization Tvind has been brought up on charges of fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering. Overall, 11 prominent members of the organization’s leadership board and governing council were indicted, with the most serious charges aimed at the organization’s founder and leader Mogens Amdi Petersen.

The investigation has been ongoing for 20 years. During this time investigators have been accumulating information about the organization, its operation and the main people involved in it. Another primary reason for the long duration of the case was the «disappearance» of Petersen, who was finally discovered living in the United States. It wasn’t until the authorities had found enough potentially incriminating evidence against Petersens within their mountains of compiled data that they were able to convince American authorities of the need to arrest Petersen and extradite him to Denmark for trial.

ZyLAB to the rescue
As soon as the authorities were getting ready to go to court, they chose ZyLAB to provide them with the technology solution they needed to manage the mass of information they had on hand. Although the Danish authorities had accumulated and sorted through thousands of pages of incriminating evidence, their ability to make an effective case had been compromised by the fact that they had no efficient way to

Present the information in court in an organized fashion
Quickly and easily identify and cross reference specific pieces of information
«With ZyIMAGE, we have a great working tool, one that makes the job easier for everyone involved in the case,» according to Knud Haargaard, the head of the investigative team for the Danish police in the Tvind case. «Because this tool makes us so effective, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be a good solution for complete integration into the entire Danish police force.

Now, the prosecution is able to fit all of the thousands of pages of information onto two CD-ROMs, which are easily transportable into a courtroom situation. And although the defense team is skeptical about the complete elimination of the original paper binders from the court proceedings, they have accepted ZyLAB’s solution as a very good addition to the overall case process.

ZyIMAGE as proactive tool
The Danish Ministry of Education has also bought a ZyLAB solution, as they are preparing a separate fraud case against the Tvind organization as well and are eagerly monitoring the progress of the current case. Having seen the damage to educational institutions by Tvind, The Ministry of Education also hopes to enhance the transparency and accountability of their organization-thereby helping to continue their good standing in the community-by making sure that all of their important information is digitally stored and made instantly searchable with ZyLAB tools.

About ZyLAB
ZyLAB North America LLC is a fully owned subsidiary of ZyLAB Technologies, a fast growing and profitable group of companies. Twenty years ago, ZyLAB developed ZyINDEX, which went on to become the preferred solution for searching large collections of electronic files in PC environments. In 1991 ZyLAB created its signature product, ZyIMAGE, the best search engine available for large digitized paper and electronic file collections. Now, ZyLAB’s evolution continues with ZyIMAGE 5.0, which includes a full open-source XML framework and supports paper, electronic files and e-mail. ZyIMAGE 5.0 forms the backbone of ZyLAB’s fully customized document archiving, searching, retrieving, organizing and sharing solutions for professionals in the legal, law enforcement, corporate governance and financial fields. Worldwide, ZyLAB has over 300,000 current end users and has active operational installations in more than 7,000 sites. ZyLAB provides our clients prompt and local service from our offices in the USA, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit: www.zylab.com.

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