Ultraseek, el software de Verity, permite realizar búsquedas sobre temas de actualidad a los usuarios registrados del portal de la organización para la conservación de la naturaleza. La implementación de este software reindexa los contenidos en tiempo real y ofrece rápidos resultados de búsqueda.


SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 1 — Verity Inc., a leading provider of enterprise software that enables organizations to maximize the return on their intellectual capital investment, today announced its powerful, downloadable Verity Ultraseek enterprise search software is now being used across the World Wildlife Fund‘s (WWF) Web site, www.worldwildlife.org.

The selection of Verity Ultraseek by the WWF, the world’s largest privately funded conservation organization, was an important element of the site redesign effort. «When we decided to improve our Web site’s overall design and architecture in an effort to improve the user experience, we recognized that a top-level search mechanism was paramount,» said Gregory Smith, the WWF’s vice president and chief information officer. «After thorough research of the available search technologies on the market plus an evaluation of their performance and capabilities, the choice of Verity Ultraseek was clear. We found Ultraseek to be a tier 1 product that met all functional and technical requirements and gave our web site the biggest bang for the buck in helping WWF members and supporters discover and help to safeguard our living planet.»

The WWF site draws people of all ages, donors and members of the organization, all seeking to explore a wide array of information about wildlife and conservation. A factor in the selection of Verity Ultraseek was the desire to allow visitors to find current information quickly and accurately. Verity Ultraseek’s fast delivery of accurate search was augmented by its capability to automatically re-index all content on a nightly basis and properly tag new content in real-time. In addition, Verity Ultraseek demonstrated an exceptional ability to deal with the WWF’s increasing amount of dynamically generated content.
«Verity Ultraseek is easy to download and install, easy to administer and adjust to the wants and needs of users while delivering the most relevant results to search queries with exceptional speed,» said Anthony J. Bettencourt, Verity’s president and chief executive officer. «For the WWF, Ultraseek exemplifies the ‘best practices’ the organization sought for its site make-over.»

According to Smith, the WWF site web traffic grew 63% from 2002 to 2003. «We’re hoping our improved design will bring the continued strong growth in web traffic and sessions that spells expanded support for our conservation mission. We believe that the Ultraseek product will easily scale to handle future growth in the number of visitors and documents on the WWF site,» Smith said.
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