Vignette está apostando fuerte por la gestión de contenidos para operadores de Telefonía móvil. El último anuncio ha sido la adquisición por parte de Mobitel, la operadora líder de Eslovenia del CMS de Vignette para la gestión de contenidos para sus móviles.


AUSTIN, Texas–Sept. 22, 2003– Vignette Corp. today announced huge growth in demand for its content management and portal solutions across the European mobile telecoms sector, with the announcement that Mobitel, the leading Slovenian mobile operator, has become its latest customer. Top European mobile operators are leveraging Vignette to deliver high-value data services to customers, partners and employees to help build customer loyalty, drive average revenue per user (ARPU), improve brand awareness and productivity, reduce operational costs and deliver real competitive advantage. Vignette’s European mobile telecom customers include market leaders such as Telefonica, Vodafone, Mobitel, O2 (previously Genie Internet), Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM), Turkcell, Amena and Mobilkom Austria.

To deliver compelling data services, mobile operators require a powerful and scalable delivery platform, as well as the right network of content partners. Vignette is the choice of many of the global mobile operators because it provides a single content management and portal framework that is easy to deploy and manage, which, in turn, increases speed-to-market and lowers operational costs. It has the proven scalability to deal with increased customer demand and new content services, and with its open standards and integration capabilities, Vignette aggregates content from multiple providers and delivers personalized service to customers to enhance their mobile experience. Through Vignette’s analytics and observation technology, operators can identify customer preferences and deliver the most relevant services to them. The solution is easy to use; business users can modify content without the need for information technology (IT) specialists, and services can be delivered through any device.

Since the launch of its Vignette-powered customer portal in December 2002, Vodafone Spain has attracted more than 150,000 new customers, achieved a 7 percent increase in ARPU and integrated innovative data services from more than 250 partners. Amena, the first mobile-only Spanish operator, reduced its time to market for new customer promotions from six days to one hour, after deploying a Vignette portal solution. Leading European mobile operator, O2, chose Vignette as its portal platform because of its powerful content management and integration capabilities as well as its impressive speed to market. Now live across European and Asia-Pacific, O2’s United Kingdom portal has more than 1.2 million active registered users, while its Italian portal has in excess of 350,000 registered users. TIM is using Vignette to power its corporate Internet and intranet sites as well as its supplier portal.

«Service differentiation, whether you’re talking about offering entertainment content such as video or music downloads or about giving customers easy access to their bills, is increasingly important in the mobile telecommunications space,» said Robert Lancaster, senior analyst for Collaboration and Content Management at the Yankee Group. «The providers with the strongest customer relationships are most likely to win the battle for customer loyalty and revenue growth. Personalized content builds loyalty by enhancing the mobile user experience and provides a tangible differentiator for mobile operators. A scalable, integrated, and easily deployable content management and portal solution is essential to deliver this.»

«We have always been committed to offering our customers the latest services and solutions, including online services,» said Domen Rakovec, research and development manager at Mobitel. «Vignette’s solution allows us to build and deliver a flexible, personalized portal for all of our communities, through their choice of device. We expect the need for mobile Internet services and wireless data traffic to grow over the next couple of years, and Vignette is the most suitable solution for us to leverage this market trend.»

«Mobile operators have a great opportunity to win the mobile customer’s heart right now, by offering exciting, personalized interactive data services,» said Gonzalo Usandizaga, vice president and general manager of Vignette EMEA. «We are delighted that Vignette is helping our customers deliver innovation and growth in this market, with groundbreaking projects such as Vodafone Live and the Mobitel portal enabling them to deliver real customer value, revenue growth and cost savings. Mobile operators are harnessing our content management and portal solutions to transform themselves into efficient, customer-centric organizations, building their brand value in a highly competitive market landscape.»

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