Tendenci (www.tendenci.com), compañía especializada en desarrollo de software de Content Management Open Source para asociaciones y otras organizaciones no gubernamentales (NPOs), ha lanzado un nuevo website para la Iniciativa de Energía y Medioambiente de Rice University. El website, http://eei.rice.edu, esta respaldado por Tendenci Open Source CMS, el cual asegura que la presencia online de la iniciativa soporta el rápido crecimiento en su actividad y visibilidad. Más abajo el resto del artículo en inglés.

 The Energy and Environment Initiative supports research that draws experts from every corner of Rice University. The upgraded website prominently features the initiative’s five key markets – Oil and Gas, Power, Petrochemicals, Energy Information and Environment – and related research efforts that are underway.

«The idea is to make it easy for interested parties, such as businesses, other universities, governments and foundations to learn about our work and begin to explore opportunities for collaboration, partnerships and sponsorships,» said Kelly Cline, the Energy and Environment Initiative program manager. «Our new website will be an essential tool to establish and strengthen a community of organizations determined to overcome barriers to the sustainable development and use of current and alternative forms of energy.»
Among the capabilities that make the Tendenci platform so powerful is its ability to sort and analyze the activity of website users. This allows organizations using Tendenci to better target and tailor information based on observed user behaviors.
The Energy and Environment Initiative encourages frequent return visits to the website by constantly updating content using Tendenci’s CMS. It is easy to create new pages, update and organize website content, and post news and articles. To leverage the full breadth of Rice University’s communications infrastructure, Tendenci uses tags to automatically pull relevant headlines from the university’s RSS feed, which keeps the home page fresh.
To demonstrate expertise and share knowledge, the initiative uses Tendenci’s integrated rich media management to easily upload, view and search videos. Tendenci’s integrated business directory capability to feature partner organizations. And with Tendenci’s online event management, the initiative can easily post and promote upcoming speaking engagements and conferences.

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