Open Text, con oficinas en España, va a lanzar en los próximos días Livelink Review Manager for Acrobat, un sistema para que la gran empresa pueda establecer procesos de revisión, colaboración y producción de documentos legales sobre Adobe Acrobat.


CHICAGO–Sept. 24, 2003– Open Text Corporation, provider of Livelink, the leading collaboration and content management software for the global enterprise, said today it will release a new product this month called Livelink Review Manager for Acrobat, which lets users securely execute multiple, parallel reviews of legal and regulatory documents.

The solution helps organizations carefully manage and track changes to important documents needed for regulatory compliance. Increasingly stringent corporate governance and accounting regulations, and industry-specific regulatory requirements, such as those faced by the pharmaceutical industry, require these electronic document review, management and auditing capabilities.

Livelink Review Manager was developed as part of Open Text’s relationship with Adobe Systems Incorporated and is part of Open Text’s end-to-end strategy for the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), to ensure that Livelink users can benefit from the full range of Adobe PDF strengths. Livelink Review Manager for Acrobat integrates the review and comment features of Acrobat with Livelink’s powerful document management features.

The solution provides a flexible process for managing multiple, parallel reviews of documents in Adobe PDF. This allows users to securely and concurrently review and add comments to un-modifiable PDF versions, and record their comments and changes in Livelink. Authors or editors can then consolidate comments from reviewers and create a new version of an original document in Livelink. The solution also provides additional, robust controls to guard against the misuse of documents.

Open Text has started using the solution to help manage its own review and approval processes for corporate financial disclosure documents. «Many people contribute to the development of the financial disclosure information we file with regulators,» said Alan Hoverd, Chief Financial Officer at Open Text. «With such a complex and important process, we needed a more efficient, auditable way to manage reviews and changes to documents. Livelink Review Manager has given us the functionality and control we need to manage that process more effectively. All public companies striving for excellence in corporate governance, in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley, need this kind of solution.»

«Global organizations today are producing and managing millions of pages of documents needed for regulatory compliance,» said Anik Ganguly, Executive Vice President of Products at Open Text. «People collaborating on these documents need secure processes for managing and integrating changes to reduce the risk of errors. Livelink Review Manager offers a strong combination of advanced review and comment features for Adobe Acrobat with Livelink’s workflows, collaboration and knowledge management capabilities. The solution can also be deployed quickly across the enterprise, providing an immediate ROI and giving customers the benefit of an efficient, uniform process for document collaboration that is critical for paper-intensive regulatory submissions.»

Key Features

With Livelink Review Manager for Acrobat, users’ changes are maintained in separate comment files within the repository and linked to the original document. The input from reviewers can then be assessed and consolidated by editors, who are the only ones with access to the original, which is securely protected in Livelink. The solution also adds a Review Comments tab to Livelink, giving document authors easy access to review history, including the names of the reviewers, a link to the associated comment files, and the dates and times when the comment files were modified. Other capabilities include:

    * Support for a parallel, real-time review process by any number of reviewers, saving time and encouraging collaboration among reviewers.
    * Document security through Livelink’s permission model, which defines what users can do with a specific document and who can add, view and modify comments.
    * Audit trails, which track each reviewer’s comments, providing a detailed history of actions on each document.
* The ability to comment on other reviewers’ suggestions.

Livelink Review Manager for Acrobat provides the review processes for a larger document «lifecycle» solution Open Text introduced late last year called Livelink for Regulated Documents. Livelink for Regulated Documents is a series of integrated tools that give companies a uniform, compliant process for managing documents through a pre-defined lifecycle, which includes document authoring, reviews, approvals and dissemination.

Livelink Review Manager can be installed easily, with no plug-ins or downloads required, and works with Acrobat 5.0.5 and above.

About Livelink

Livelink is a leading software product in enterprise content management (ECM) for the global enterprise. Its richly-featured enterprise services are based upon a unique combination of integrated collaboration and knowledge management tools which include virtual team collaboration, business process automation, enterprise group scheduling, document and image management, and information retrieval services, all tightly integrated into a solution that is easily customized and extended. Livelink is essential to the effective management and development of communities of interest that span organizations and industries. For everything from the creation of complex e-community relationships to the automation of simple e-business processes, Livelink delivers true dynamic collaboration between individuals, organizations and large trading communities. Livelink servers are fully Web-based and open-architected to ensure rapid deployment and easy access to its full functionality through a standard Web browser. For more information, visit

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