Open Text acaba de poner a la venta Livelink CADManager, un módulo de su software dedicado a la gestión y manejo de grandes volúmenes de archivos CAD. Livelink CADManager funciona con AutoCAD 2000i, AutoCAD 2002 y AutoCAD 2004. En la nota de prensa que ofrecemos se informa de dos seminarios online gratuitos sobre el manejo de Gestión Del Conocimiento CAD.


CHICAGO–Oct. 16, 2003–Open Text Corporation , provider of Livelink, the  collaboration and content management software for the global enterprise, today announced the availability of Livelink CADManager which gives architects and engineers a more robust system for managing large volumes of interrelated CAD drawings for major design projects. Livelink CADManager adds collaboration and knowledge management tools to CAD applications to improve design efficiency and reduce costs.

The new product provides an integration between Livelink and leading CAD applications from Autodesk, Inc., the world’s leading design software and digital content company. Livelink CADManager supports Autodesk’s AutoCAD 2000i, AutoCAD 2002 and AutoCAD 2004.

Sinclair Knight Merz, a professional services consultancy undertaking engineering projects in offices across the globe, has adopted Livelink CADManager as its standard CAD integration product worldwide. Sinclair Knight Merz uses LiveLink for collaboration and document management, and with the addition of Livelink CADManager, the organization now has a seamless solution to provide drawing management globally. «The design and drawing functions at Sinclair Knight Merz are an essential part of our operations,» said Peter Nevin, Group Manager, Global Information Systems for Sinclair Knight Merz. «The close integration of AutoCAD with LiveLink will provide significant productivity improvements, and will ensure we are able to continue to deliver leading services to our clients through our local operations.» Livelink CADManager provides critical functionality to more effectively manage the complex relationships between what can be thousands of drawings for a major project. CADManager enhances a customer’s current CAD investment by providing a more robust document management tool to maintain the complex relationships between drawings, and controls over revisions to avoid duplication and problems propagating changes to other drawings. Livelink CADManager also provides effective collaborative tools, which allow designers to securely access and share drawings through the course of a project.

«Designing every detail of an office tower or a new car involves an incredible volume of complex information and the work of many people in different organizations,» said Bill Forquer, Executive Vice President of Marketing at Open Text. «To improve the design process, customers need more than an effective design application, they need better ways to manage information and collaborate. With Autodesk, we are bringing the best in CAD tools and combining it with Livelink to provide an integrated platform for design, knowledge management and collaboration. It brings design and project management together under one roof.»

«Autodesk is committed to increasing the value of digital design data throughout the lifecycle of a product or project,» said Richard Runnells, Partner Program Manager, Autodesk Manufacturing Solutions Division, «Livelink’s CADManager is an excellent example of a collaborative tool that enhances productivity and streamlines business processes by effectively managing drawing and engineering data.»

With Livelink CADManager, Livelink becomes a knowledge management repository for design projects, serving as a central point for managing all working drawings, as well as data about drawings and their relationships. Livelink CADManager gives users an easy-to-browse directory structure, the ability to apply detailed metadata to drawings, advanced search capabilities, and check-in/check-out features to control drawing revisions. Access to Livelink is provided through a simple menu structure in AutoCAD.

Livelink CADManager also extends Livelink’s collaborative tools to engineers for more effective teamwork through the course of a project. Engineers can use Livelink’s powerful workflow engine to coordinate reviews of CAD drawings at key stages of a project. Engineering teams can also use Open Text’s team meeting application Livelink MeetingZone(TM), to meet online and share drawings, reducing the need for travel for project teams, which are often dispersed around the globe.

Open Text also plans to introduce Livelink CADManager modules for Autodesk Inventor(R) 3D mechanical design software, Bentley Systems’ MicroStation and SolidWorks.

Online Seminars

Open Text is hosting two online seminars on collaboration and content management in engineering and design October 21. Here are times and links to further details:

— 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. EDT:

— 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EDT:

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