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Manual de IBM: Implementar por completo un BPM con la familia de productos Websphere 6

Este manual presenta una panorámica simplificada de un BPM para proporcionar así una descripción completa de cada etapa del proceso end-to-end de este sistema. Para evitar un documento excesivamente largo y poco manejable, los autores se han centrado en tareas, elementos y detalles específicos, y no en la presentación de todas las facetas posibles de un proceso complejo de negocio.

Índice de Contenidos

Part 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Business process management

Chapter 2. Product overview

Chapter 3. Case study: ClipsAndTacks

Part 2. Modeling the business

Chapter 4. Modeling the current business process

Chapter 5. Simulating and analyzing the current process

Chapter 6. Modeling the Future 1 business process

Chapter 7. Simulating and analyzing the Future 1 process

Chapter 8. Creating the business measures model

Part 3. Development and deployment

Chapter 9. Developing the application using WebSphere Integration Developer

Chapter 10. Deploying and running the application in Process Server

Chapter 11. Advanced facilities: Business Rules Manager and human task security

Part 4. Monitoring the application

Chapter 12. Introducing WebSphere Business Monitor Version 6

Chapter 13. Measuring the Future 1 process

Part 5. Continuous process improvement

Chapter 14. Comparing the measurements and modeling the Future 2 process

Chapter 15. Implementing the Future 2 process using WebSphere Integration Developer

Chapter 16. Measuring the Future 2 process

Appendix A. Installation of Modeler, Integration Developer, and Process Server

Appendix B. Installation of WebSphere Business Monitor

Appendix C. Additional material

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