Un decreto del gobierno Bush exige que en 10 años todos los ciudadanos de USA tengan su historial médico en formato electrónico. El software para gestión documental tiene un papel esencial para que esto se pueda conseguir. Y los hospitales USA ya están trabajando para conseguir esa digitalización total.

Westbrook Technologies (http://www.westbrooktech.com) es una de las empresas fabricantes de este tipo de software que se han especializado en el terreno de los hospitales. Recientemente anunció que una de las cadenas de hospitales y clínicas más importantes de USA, Banner Health (http://www.bannerhealth.com/channels/) está implementando su sistema (Fortis) para digitalizar todos sus procesos, ya sean historiales médicos, comunicaciones entre médicos o documentación de ingreso de pacientes.

En España WestBrook  no tiene oficinas ni presencia.  

La HIPAA es el nombre del decreto emitido por el Gobierno Bush. Este es su significado: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Multi-state Health Care Giant Uses Fortis for HIPAA Compliancy and Credentialing Verification Organization 

BRANFORD, Conn., Aug. 27 — When Banner Health’s newest medical facility –Banner Estrella Medical Center — opens its doors to patients this December in Phoenix, Ariz., not only will the most technologically advanced medical equipment be available, but also a powerful document management software solution aimed at keeping the Human Resources department as state-of-the-art as their patient care units.

They will be using Westbrook Technologies’ Fortis to achieve their goal to chart a paperless and filmless course that will eliminate file storage space and save on costly paper purchases from the very beginning. «Because of the high cost of paper and the need to be HIPAA compliant, we wanted to start this
facility off immediately with a cost-efficient and secure solution to maintaining files. With multiple staff members needing to gain access to the files, Fortis will provide the means as we continue our reputation as providing the finest care in the region to our Banner Health patients,» says Matt Cacy, database administrator.

In addition, Banner’s 19 other hospitals located across eight states will implement Fortis as they join leading national healthcare facilities exchanging manila folders stuffed with medical records and other documents for electronic files that are secure yet easily and quickly accessible by staff.

Also slated to use Fortis is Banner’s Colorado Regional Medical Center where the focus is on the highly voluminous credentialing verification organization (CVO). The CVO process includes physician background checks, privileges to practice, verification letters from past employers and
institutions. «Usually each paper file is about one-inch thick,» says Cacy. «We’re going to try and make this a paper-light system.» Fortis will assist the health care giant with HIPAA compliancy by allowing staff to securely maintain backed-up copies of credentialing documents and Human Resources files.

Using Fortis to carry out Disaster Recovery planning, the medical centers will be able to recover patient medical records, physician credentialing information, employee records and patient financial information by maintaining an off-site back-up system.

Westbrook Technologies, Inc. of Branford, Conn. is a market leader in document management, workflow and electronic content management. Its software solutions assist clients in 40 countries in streamlining their business processes and working smarter. To learn more, log onto http://westbrooktech.com or call (800) WHY-FILE.

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