NOTA DE PRENSA revisada de Altova, en inglés.

Altova announced that it has supplied UC Irvine with their XML document editing software, AUTHENTIC 5, for use in their internal business portal.

UC Irvine ( is a leading higher level educational institution offering programs at the undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing education levels. UC Irvine is ranked in the nation’s top 10 for information technology education by eWeek, a national high-tech magazine, and is ranked among the top 50 universities in the USA, or twelfth among all public universities, according to the 2003 U.S. News & World Report annual college survey.

«A Business Portal is considered a key part of the New Business Architecture endorsed by all the University of California campuses. UC Irvine is one of the first campuses in the UC system to develop an Administrative Staff portal. In the early stages of planning the technical direction for our portal, we decided to employ the structured nature of XML, to enable the standard look and feel for the portal. We developed content using XML,» said Katya Sadovsky, Technical Project Leader, University of California, Irvine
Sadovsky continued: «We also wanted to allow subject matter experts to maintain their own content. The ability to edit XML content in a WYSIWYG fashion was essential to the success of our project. Altova’s AUTHENTIC 5 allowed us to quickly and easily create a customized editing environment for our content developers. Users, who were familiar with word processors such as Microsoft Word, did not require any additional training to start using the AUTHENTIC 5 product. Having the content edited by the subject matter experts directly, reduced the amount of errors and streamlined content delivery.»

Pricing and Availability

AUTHENTIC 5, is available immediately for free download at and is offered under a free software license.

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