Filenet ha puesto a la venta hoy a nivel mundial la versión 3.0 de su archiconocida suite Enterprise Content Management Filenet P8. El fabricante ha añadido una serie de mejoras encaminadas a la mejor integración mediante Web Services con otras plataformas y productos.

Filenet acaba de lanzar la versión 3.0 de Filenet P8, su archiconocida suite ECM. La novedad principal es que los usuarios del producto podrán acceder a él mediante plataformas Web Services, es decir mediante el estándard XML, permitiendo el acceso e integración con otros productos que corran en plataformas como J2EE o Microsoft .NET.

El hecho de que la suite pueda accederse mediante plataformas Web Services es especialmente importante para productos de Business Process Management como P8, que normalmente necesitan funcionar integrándose con múltiples productos y plataformas. De hecho Filenet USA habla ahora de que su BPM tiene funcionalidades de «orquestación de procesos» del inglés «process orchestration functionality«, lo cual debe significar algo así como que su producto es cada vez más integrable con otras aplicaciones que sus usuarios ya tengan instalados (por ejemplos ERP’s, CRM’s o sistemas de captura de documentos o de gestión documental) dentro siempre de Arquitecturas Orientada a Servicios o «Service- Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Filenet P8 versión 3.0 cumple las normativas para la integración con otros productos establecidas por la Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) cuya web es

Para más información ofrecemos la NOTA DE PRENSA DE FILENET USA:

COSTA MESA, Calif., July 19 /– FileNet Corporation, a leading provider of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions, today announced its FileNet P8 3.0 platform now offers XML Web Service-based access to provide a new level of platform-independent connectivity and interoperability, and support growing market requirements for Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs).

FileNet’s XML Web Services is designed to provide rich content and business process management functionality for ECM applications. Additionally, FileNet Business Process Management capabilities can now be leveraged as a process orchestrator, providing integration between applications and helping to leverage existing software investments. FileNet’s XML Web Services support includes publishing of WSDL descriptions and support for Web Services operations from a variety of clients, including J2EE and Microsoft.NET.

FileNet’s XML Web Services fully conforms to Basic Profile 1.0 guidelines established by the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I), an industry group chartered to promote Web Services interoperability across platforms, operating systems and programming languages.

FileNet XML Web Services supports a wide range of development environments, and enables customers that are adopting SOAs, a new application development paradigm that leverages best-in-class software services built on open industry standards, to simplify application development and integration.

FileNet’s XML Web Services-enabled ECM solution makes it easier to integrate content and process management capabilities into business applications, while streamlining development time and reducing costs, helping organizations maximize return on investment. Additionally, FileNet’s XML Web Services-enabled offering makes ECM functionality more accessible across the organization and through wireless and other mobile devices, giving companies new ways to leverage content for greater competitive advantage.

«FileNet is taking the lead in offering an integrated, feature-rich XML Web Service-enabled ECM platform that meets the needs of next-generation applications and provides new levels of functional connectivity,» said Daniel Whelan, chief technology officer, FileNet. «As a result, businesses will be able to develop content-rich applications that deliver information when and where it is needed to empower business partners, suppliers and employees to make better decisions, faster.»

Validation from Industry Leaders

FileNet is actively engaged with BEA Systems Inc., IBM, Microsoft and Sun to support their industry-leading platforms and the SOA direction of application development. FileNet’s open standards approach supports Visual Studio .NET, IBM WebSphere Studio, BEA WebLogic Enterprise Platform(TM), and Sun’s Java web development frameworks.

FileNet’s Commitment to Web Services Initiatives

FileNet is committed to supporting open Web Services standards. The company has been a member of WS-I since its founding. FileNet’s involvement in the organization pairs it with other market leaders with the goal of making Web Services standards unambiguous so that all WS-I compliant implementations are truly interoperable, while putting the company «on the inside track» with regards to the evolution of Web Services. Additionally, FileNet was one of the launch partners for Microsoft’s .NET initiative, which champions software integration through the use of XML Web Services.


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