Information Builders, fabricante de soluciones de business intelligence (BI) y reporting de operaciones en tiempo real, ha sido elegido recientemente por Pharmascience Inc. La farmacéutica canadiense implementará WebFOCUS, el software de Information Builders. Tras un amplio proceso de evaluación Pharmascience se decantó por Information Builders por la capacidad de realizar complejos informes y por su integración con SAP R3 y BW al tiempo que proporciona reporting personalizados para todos los niveles de usuarios de la empresa.


NEW YORK, Aug. 24 — Information Builders, the leader in enterprise business intelligence (BI) and real-time operational reporting, announced that Pharmascience Inc. recently standardized their business intelligence reporting on its flagship WebFOCUS software. After an extensive evaluation process, Pharmascience chose Information Builders as their standard based on the software’s ability to execute complex reports and natively access SAP R3 and BW while providing customized reporting to all levels of users within their organization.

The initial phase of the implementation will concentrate on the development of sales and marketing reporting applications and then move forward to encompass the reporting and business intelligence requirements for all enterprise departments and functions, including finance, manufacturing, and human resources.

According to Jonathan Despres, manager of information access and BI reporting project leader at Pharmascience, «We are now able to transform data from multiple sources into actionable information in real-time and deliver it into the hands of all our users. As we push data out across departments and geographies, we can now count on a powerful and flexible solution that is able to support users with varying reporting needs across our enterprise. The goal is to rapidly make our users as self-sufficient and productive as possible by providing tools effectively customized for their roles.»

«Today leading global organizations are standardizing on a single business intelligence vendor that can meet the needs of the entire enterprise,» said Gerald Cohen, president and CEO of Information Builders. «Pharmascience is one of Canada’s fastest growing pharmaceutical companies and through the use of WebFOCUS, they are able to get a real-time, operational view of their very dynamic business.»

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