Con WebFocus el departamento de Información de Sistemas de Saint-Germain Weber enviará los informes sobre las ventas en tiempo real en formato .pdf a sus vendedores. La empresa constructora, con presencia en más de 20 países, cuenta con 58 unidades de producción y emplea a 3.568 trabajadores. 


New York, NY April 14, 2004 Information Builders, the leader in enterprise business intelligence (BI) solutions and real-time Web reporting, today announced that Saint-Gobain Weber (Saint-Gobain’s Materials and Construction division) of France has chosen WebFOCUS to provide its SAP environment with a new dimension by adding sophisticated and user-friendly enterprise reporting entirely complementary to SAP BW.

WebFOCUS provides SAP with the capacity, via the Internet, to access the SAP BW cube using a lightweight browser. This method accelerates the large-scale deployment of self-service applications while improving the standard content delivered in SAP BW. «The end user can customize reporting needs and the IT team is therefore less often called upon,» declares Philippe Marsy, director of information systems at Saint-Gobain Weber. «This will give us a full business intelligence architecture composed of a data warehouse (SAP BW) and a business reporting solution (Information Builders’ WebFOCUS).»

Powered by WebFOCUS, the Information Systems department at Saint-Gobain Weber will automate the mass production of reports that provide real-time sales-related information. These reports will be sent to sales representatives in PDF format. The principal information contained in these reports concerns product lines, client brand names and regions. The sales representatives will then be able to compare their performance in real-time with their objectives and sales from the previous year.

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