La Cámara de Comercio madrileña eligió Net.Portal, la solución para portales de la compañía francesa Mediapps, para la puesta en marcha de su Intranet. El proyecto ha sido llevado a cabo por Burke, consultora especializada en proyectos de e-business y en la comercialización de soluciones de negocio, quienes han aportado también la incorporación al sistema de la Cámara de Gotta, una herramienta de workflow de producción propia.

Business Wire acaba de anunciar la puesta en marcha de su nueva web, en la que ha seguido utilizando la tecnología de Vignette. Los nuevos servicios del renovado portal de Business Wire a través del cual se distribuyen diariamente más de 1000 anuncios y notas de prensa, incluyen ahora el manejo de imágenes de video y otras formas de streaming, que se unen a la ya existente posibilidad de incluir archivos de fotografía, hojas de cálculo, diapositivas o audio en cada una de las noticias empresariales.

Pero la más destacada de las nuevas posibilidades fruto de la aplicación de la tecnología de Vignette reside en el servicio de personalización que permitirá a periodistas, inversores o cualquier otra persona registrada en esta web, recibir paquetes de informaciones según hagan referencia a las empresas o sectores económicos de su elección.

Más información en la siguiente nota de prensa en inglés.

Business Wire Delivers Personalized News to Customers Using Vignette Portal
Vignette Modularity Eases Rollout and Allows for Customized News Distribution

AUSTIN, Texas- -Dec. 3, 2003–Vignette Corp. today announced that Business Wire, a leading news distribution vendor, has successfully re-launched its primary customer and partner-facing Web portal. The new intuitive, multi-channel portal uses the Vignette Application Portal to ensure clients, investors and media visitors are presented with the most current news on the companies and topics they are interested in — a daunting task considering that more than 1,000 news announcements from publicly-traded and privately-held companies are distributed through Business Wire each day.

Vignette’s portal technology has helped Business Wire to build a news portal to communicate personalized, community-specific news and other content to visitors. The new site’s ability to handle complex digital assets, including video images and streaming media, makes it possible to display all elements of Business Wire’s NewsML-based Smart News Release, traditional press releases embedded with photos, graphics, spreadsheets, slide shows, audio or video, and to offer additional services, such as LogoLink. Additionally, Business Wire is now providing personalized news content to registered users through its «My News» and «My Companies» modules. By separating the content and presentation layers and leveraging the modular J2EE architecture of Vignette, Business Wire is rapidly rolling out hosted «Custom News Sites,» ensuring client Web properties reflect the most current set of information while freeing the client to focus on their core business.

«Over the past 42 years, Business Wire has developed a deep understanding of the various needs of our clients, the media and investors. By implementing software including Vignette portal solutions, we are now able to deliver a wide variety of new personalized services to our visitors and to display our clients’ news releases with their logo alongside other information such as «At-a-Glance» and their company profile — features that help our visitors stay on top of breaking industry news,» said Mark Wehrmeister, vice president of Web services at Business Wire. «Vignette Application Portal has exceeded our expectations by providing the tools necessary to seamlessly integrate with Business Wire’s core news release distribution system, NewsExpress, and providing us with a means to deliver personalized services.»

To create a comprehensive solution, Business Wire has integrated Vignette Application Portal with various systems to streamline news delivery to Web visitors and enhance client service. Finally, Business Wire’s catalog of products and services was also built as a Vignette portal module. Today corporate clients have access to the most current data on frequently changing news distribution circuits. As a result, customers are empowered to make informed decisions when distributing important news.

«As a leading outlet for news distribution, Business Wire has recognized the benefits of reusing components and personalizing Web properties to provide multiple audiences with information that is relevant and timely,» said Patti Jones, senior vice president of worldwide sales and distribution at Vignette. «The scalability and flexibility of Vignette Application Portal is key in Business Wire’s drive to be a dynamic and nimble information-driven organization.»

Por Editorial

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