Entopia viene a situarse en la gama de productos ‘Retrieval Software-Gestión del Conocimiento’ de los que hay varios presentes en España: Convera, Verity, Autonomy o Bitext.

La conocida empresa aeronáutica sueca Saab AB (http://www.saab.se/), conocida en España más por los coches, está aún implantando el software Entopia K-Bus para indexar, buscar, visualizar y gestionar toda la información y contenidos (incluídos emails) de sus webs, intranets y extranets. Entopia K-Bus es un producto distribuido en España por la empresa mallorquina Gitconsultors.


Redwood Shores, CALIF. ( May 3, 2004 ) Entopia, Inc., an innovator in solutions for information discovery, today announced that Entopia K-Bus has been selected by Saab AB to power its information discovery portal to enable knowledge sharing for improved productivity and competitive advantage.

We needed a solution that could support all of our information discovery and collaboration needs and one that would leverage, rather than render obsolete, our existing investments in structured and unstructured information around the enterprise, said Eric Wedin, head of industry information analysis of Saab AB. After considering the major software providers in this field we selected Entopia K-Bus because it delivers the search and powerful information discovery capabilities we need. K-Bus true relevancy raises the bar on enterprise search to deliver the content our knowledge workers, sales people and other employees need to make better-informed decisions.

Saab AB , one of the world’s leading high-technology companies, with its main operations focusing on defense, aviation and space, recognized the need to consolidate unstructured information and provide access to employees worldwide. Through the Entopia K-Bus information discovery infrastructure, Saab will consolidate multiple content resources including Entopia’s collaborative content management tool, Quantum, file shares, various Intranets, internet sites, e-mail systems and content providers.

Entopia is delighted to be awarded this contract. Not only are Saab gaining information discovery capabilities in Entopia K-Bus that will further their competitive edge, said Eric Miles, CEO of Entopia. They are getting but a partner that is committed to their success.»

Entopia K-Bus enables the creation of business knowledge applications through its application services which include enterprise search, social networking, expertise identification and connectors to enterprise repositories and industry content. Entopia K-Bus is configurable to support the information discovery requirements of business-specific knowledge applications. Entopia K-Bus for Portals and Intranets increases the value of new and existing portals and intranets by integrating to deliver truly-relevant enterprise search, expertise identification and content visualization.

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