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La Administración USA se quita el papel de encima con Open Text


CHICAGO–Sept. 29, 2003– Open Text Corporation, provider of Livelink, the leading collaboration and content management software for the global enterprise, today announced that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has deployed Livelink as a first step in complying with the Federal Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) pertaining to electronic information management and process streamlining of its internal business processes.

«The implementation of a new information system to manage and track correspondence using Livelink software is a first step in our overall strategy to meet the requirements of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) and to achieving Electronic Government. GPEA and E-gov require us to convert paper documents into electronic format that can be stored, accessed, and retrieved on-line and to streamline business processes wherever practicable. Using Livelink, we successfully accomplished these objectives for a specific function. In the future, we plan to expand the electronic document management and record keeping solution to other operations or functions for reducing paperwork, automating manual processes, and preserving our critical information,» said Sallie Hsieh, CIO, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the EEOC coordinates all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies through the operations of 51 field offices nationwide. The Commission interprets and enforces employment discrimination laws, monitors the federal sector employment discrimination program, provides funding and support to state and local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs), and sponsors outreach and technical assistance programs.

EEOC’s interface with the public, the White House, Congress, and other federal agencies is supported heavily through the effective management of correspondence. EEOC receives an average of more than 4000 pieces of controlled correspondence per year including letters addressed to the Chair and inquiries from the White House, Congress, and other federal agencies. These requests, along with all EEOC responses and actions, need to be assigned, controlled and tracked electronically wherever practicable, in compliance with GPEA.

To support federal requirements for electronic information management, Open Text Affinity Partner, Momentum Systems Inc., designed and implemented an integrated solution for tracking these inquiries and correspondence coming into the EEOC from the public, members of Congress, White House, other EEOC offices and government Agencies.

Facilitating the electronic storage, sharing and management of critical EEOC information and processes, Livelink serves as the foundation for the correspondence tracking system. Introduced as a pilot project over a year ago, the Livelink solution manages all correspondence information electronically. It automatically generates editable form letter replies to inquiries and uses Livelink workflow functionality to establish an automated, online business process for making certain that inquiry responses are forwarded to and handled by the appropriate people within a predetermined amount of time.

«The EEOC’s correspondence management solution consists primarily of processing and tracking all of the activities generated via incoming correspondence,» said Todd Neven, President of Momentum Systems. «Addressing these business process areas required the technology to ensure that incoming correspondence is digitally converted and then outgoing correspondence is prepared, tracked and stored in an efficient, effective and economical manner. Our extensive experience with Livelink provided us with a unique understanding of how best to deliver the EEOC’s requirements.»

«Government agencies like the EEOC are demanding the kinds of functionality Livelink delivers to enable them to streamline standard business processes and generate efficiencies through the routine operation of day-to-day activities,» said Bill Forquer, Executive Vice President of Global Marketing at Open Text. «Correspondence management plays a considerable role in the EEOC’s ability to accomplish its overall mission successfully and within budget.»

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