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Grupo asegurador escandinavo utilizará plataforma de ReadSoft para gestión de procesos documentales

Nota de prensa en inglés:

Nordic insurance company signs agreement with ReadSoft worth 3.0 MSEK

ReadSoft, the world leader in Document Process Automation solutions, has received an order worth 3.0 MSEK from an insurance company that has chosen to invest in ReadSoft’s document platform XBOUND.

The order means that the insurance company implements ReadSoft’s platform for its Nordic business and thereby consolidate a fragmented IT-environment into a single platform. The agreement was signed in the fourth quarter of 2012.

ReadSoft’s platform creates unprecedented opportunities for companies to model, manage, monitor and streamline their document and business processes. The customer chooses, in connection with the agreement, to implement the platform in all their Nordic offices where they handle document related processes.

“We help the customer to reduce document processing times by consolidating their document handling environment to a single platform. This creates several significant internal efficiencies and benefits their end-customers in the form of shorter lead times,” says Per Åkerberg, President and CEO of ReadSoft.

With ReadSoft’s platform companies quickly identify potential bottlenecks in their document handling processes and can take appropriate measures to increase productivity. That means both more efficient production processes and faster response times to customers, which is something that is increasingly important in industries where customer service has emerged as a key competitive weapon.

“The insurance industry handles large volumes of documents and companies that decide to automate their document handling can increase their efficiency with relatively simple actions. We see a large interest from the Swedish players for this kind of tool,” says Charlotte Darth, Managing Director of ReadSoft Sweden AB.

Within this press release, ReadSoft’s customer in the transaction or co-operation is not mentioned by name. This is due to the fact that they have requested to remain anonymous. This is information of the type that ReadSoft AB (publ) is obligated to disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

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