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Georgia.gov utiliza Verity para búsquedas e indexación


may 6, 2003 07:00 ET
State of Georgia Selects Verity Search and Categorization Technology For Its Portal Initiative

Verity K2 Enterprise Selected to Be Vital Component of Advanced, Integrated Government Portal

SUNNYVALE, Calif., May 6 / — Verity Inc. (NASDAQ:VRTY) , a provider of enterprise software that helps organizations maximize the return on their intellectual capital investment, today announced Verity K2 Enterprise (K2E) software has been selected by the State of Georgia to provide a broad range of advanced search, categorization and personalization capabilities for www.georgia.gov, its new multi-agency online resource for residents, businesses, and institutions.

After a structured evaluation process, the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) which is responsible for the state’s government portal, determined Verity and its K2 Enterprise software met their needs better than other options for the crucial search and categorization capabilities on its new consolidated Web presence.

«The georgia.gov site represents a significant improvement in the way the state’s residents and businesses access information and interact with different parts of the state government,» said Gina Tiedemann, director of GTA’s GeorgiaNet division. «Every element selected had to contribute to our goal of a unified, highly effective portal. Verity K2 Enterprise met our requirements for advanced search, categorization, scalability, security and ease of integration.»

The portal initiative connects the state’s Web sites to a one-stop portal for Georgia government services, fostering cross-agency collaboration and information sharing while improving the overall online experience. The new State of Georgia site is very constituent-focused, including its Verity-equipped search functionality. Information retrieval was considered a critical functionality for the portal, specifically Verity K2E’s ability to allow users to enter natural language queries.

According to Tiedemann, «Keyword search was not enough to meet GTA’s requirements. The amount and types of information available on georgia.gov are very wide-ranging. We wanted to help people find information quickly and easily, so they would not leave the site feeling frustrated. The ability to ask what they want in everyday language will improve constituents’ satisfaction.»

Beyond the support for natural language query, GTA cited several other features of Verity K2E as deciding factors. Verity K2E can search XML data stored in multiple repositories simultaneously. In addition, the software’s ability to integrate with the site’s content management software from Vignette Corp. allows rapid, accurate creation and management of taxonomies. The site’s volume of content and number of users are expected to grow dramatically in coming years, as more and more of the state’s business is conducted online. Verity K2E’s scalability can handle that growth with ease.

«The State of Georgia has built the foundation for bringing together the information and online activities of all its agencies,» said Anthony J. Bettencourt, Verity’s president and CEO. «An important element of that foundation is Verity K2 Enterprise, which will permit residents and businesses to best leverage the intellectual capital available to them at georgia.gov.»

Beyond the strength and versatility of the Verity K2E software, GTA also found that the software could be easily integrated with its existing IT infrastructure. Tiedemann noted: «Verity worked well with us under tremendous pressure.»

About Verity

Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., Verity provides software solutions that help organizations maximize the return on their intellectual capital investment by utilizing Verity’s industry-leading enterprise search, classification and personalization technologies. Verity software is used for sharing information within and between enterprises; for facilitating e-commerce sales; and for B2B activities on Web-based market exchanges. In addition, Verity technology serves as a core component of many leading e-business applications.

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