Front Porch Digital y Dalet Digital Media Systems (la segunda con oficinas en España), dos empresas de Gestión de Contenidos Audiovisuales para Cadenas de Televisión y Radio, han anunciado la integración de sus dos soluciones para Archivo de Video digital.


AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, Sept. 18 /– Dalet Digital Media Systems, a leading provider of media management tools for more than a decade, and Front Porch Digital, a leading provider of digital content management solutions, announce the integration of DaletPlus and DIVArchive (Distributed Intelligent Versatile Archive). The resulting solution combines the flexibility, workflow and distribution features of DaletPlus Media Library with the powerful and seamless media management functionalities of DIVArchive.

«Broadcasters can now combine their DaletPlus Media Library systems with DIVArchive back-office storage virtualization technology,» says David Amselem, Vice-President of Dalet Digital Media Systems. «This really makes it easy for media organizations to deploy highly scalable, cost-efficient digital media libraries running over standard IT hardware.»

«Content is a vital asset that many broadcasters are unable to fully exploit because it can be time consuming to access and repurpose,» said Rino Petricola, General Manager, Europe and Asia, Front Porch Digital. «The combination of DaletPlus Media Library and DIVArchive gives the ability to very quickly pinpoint a specific piece of content, to access it and to present it for on air play, all in one turnkey integrated solution. Our partnership with Dalet broadens the role of our world class DIVArchive solutions in the broadcast industry.»

DIVArchive simplifies the implementation and maintenance of complex digital archives. It provides reliable and secure file management across on-line, near-line and off-line storage systems. Thanks to its central administration console, it can be easily configured to grow from entry-level to enterprise-wide systems.

DaletPlus Media Library offers broadcasters, post-production facilities and media companies a cost effective, turn-key solution for managing and archiving vast amounts of media assets. Because of its uniquely flexible metadata and workflow engines, it can be rapidly customized for any operation. Its massive scalability and powerful distribution plug-ins guarantee a rapid return on investment.

About Front Porch Digital

Front Porch Digital Inc. ( is transforming the digital world by developing unique software and services that convert audio, video, images, text and data into digital formats that enable searching, browsing, editing, storage and on-demand delivery of content in nearly any other digital format through a single capture.

For more detailed information on Front Porch, its products and recent accomplishments, go to

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