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FNAC implementa el BI de MicroStrategy

Nota de prensa en inglés de Microstrategy Incorporated

Monday March 1, 8:30 am

MCLEAN, Va., March 1 – MicroStrategy Incorporated, a leading worldwide provider of business intelligence software, today announced that Fnac has adopted the MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Platform as the enterprise standard for its new reporting applications. Based in France, Fnac is the leading retailer of books, music, consumer electronics and entertainment in France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal. Fnac has more than 15 million customers with 2002 revenue of $3.5 billion euros.

Currently, 200 Fnac employees, including store managers, headquarters personnel, and financial, sales and marketing analysts, utilize MicroStrategy technology to access an Oracle data warehouse. Approximately 15 MicroStrategy-based applications, including an extranet, will enable key employees to track sales performance and monitor margins online for all of Fnac’s departments.

«We selected the MicroStrategy platform because of its sophisticated yet easy-to-use reporting capabilities, its powerful analytics, and its ability for rapid deployment of BI applications,» said François Pereira, CTO, Fnac. «In addition, we were looking for a scalable, integrated platform that would grow with us as our needs changed. MicroStrategy’s platform offers exceptional scalability for building numerous applications and accommodating very large databases and user populations. This will provide us with valuable insight to enhance our sales operations across our large enterprise.»

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