El Real Madrid ha decidido instalar Antigen para Lotus Domino para poder centralizar la gestión de su política respecto al correo electrónico entrante y saliente. El club deportivo quiere así aumentar su protección frente a los virus y el spam o correo basura. Antigen es una solución de Sybari, compañía especializada en aplicaciones diseñadas para plataformas de mensajería electrónica y colaboración.

El Real Madrid ha decidido esta implementación cuando su volumen de correo electrónico alcanza en la actualidad 1 Gigabyte diario. Otros clubs de fútbol europeos como el Chelsea y el Roma AC también han aplicado la misma solución de Sybari.

Leer la siguiente nota de prensa en inglés para más información

By Installing Sybari’s Advanced Solution For Lotus Domino Servers, Real Madrid Can Keep Their E-Mail Virus-Free And Establish Centralized Anti-Spam And Content Management Policies

Madrid, Spain January 29, 2004 Sybari Software, developers of messaging and collaboration server security solutions, has announced the installation of Antigen for Lotus Domino to protect the e-mail environment at Real Madrid. The exclusive features of Antigen for Lotus Domino will allow Real Madrid to keep their e-mails virus-free and establish centralized anti-spam and content management policy for the clubs entire incoming and outgoing e-mail. Their present daily volume has already reached over 1 Gigabyte. The club joins other European clubs such as Chelsea and Roma AC who also use Sybari’s Antigen, as well as important corporations and administrations like Merrill Lynch or the US Federal Government, for whom e-mail has become an indispensable tool for communication with both customers and users.

«After trying other solutions available on the market, Sybari’s Antigen was the only one that provided us with a high degree of integration with our Lotus Domino server. With some 200 corporate e-mail accounts, it was indispensable for us to rely on a solution that could guarantee an uninterrupted messaging system and to ensure bandwidth availability for our network. It also provides centralized content management tools for filtering unwanted messages, spam or attached files, and real-time virus detection capacity without affecting the performance and speed of our server», Real Madrid CF explained.

«Undoubtedly, the decision taken by a prestigious club such as Real Madrid to incorporate Sybari’s Antigen clearly demonstrates the importance that specific e-mail protection has for the maintenance of a companys communications infrastructure», Jacobo Crespo, Sybari’s Territory Manager for Spain and Portugal, explained. «With Real Madrid our portfolio of companies within the world of football has grown, joining other big names such as Chelsea or Roma and providing further continuity to the exponential growth that Sybari’s products are enjoying in every sector», Crespo added.

The 7.0 version of Antigen for Domino servers launched recently by Sybari, after a meticulous process to incorporate new functions developed with the collaboration of Antigen clients and users. These functions notably include the new Antigen Policy Manager central configuration console, content and attachment filtering options, improved performance with multiple analyses for the SCAN.BOX database and Worm Purge. Antigen for Domino combines the capacity to detect both known and unknown viruses by means of innovative features such as the integration of multiple scan engines and Antigen File Filtering (AFF). Antigen supports multiple virus scan engines including five of the market leaders in scan engine technology. Applicable for all Antigen jobs, it allows the administrator to configure a variety of settings and personalize options for different network levels. Antigen File Filtering (AFF) enables administrators to proactively filter e-mail by using different filters, including attachment filenames, wildcards or file types. Antigen Worm Purge is a proactive safeguard tool against worm viruses that which allows network administrators to prevent the overload of virus-generated messages being re-sent. Antigen Worm Purge completely deletes messages containing worm viruses, as attached files and messages and prevents new worms from breeding before exploration mechanisms can be triggered off.

Antigen 7.0 for Lotus Domino fully supports the newly released Lotus Domino 6.5

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