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El nuevo portal del empleado de Audi utiliza el software de Day

Nota de prensa en inglés

Basel, Switzerland – March 4, 2004 – Day, a leading provider of global content management software, today announced that the new employee portal «Audi mynet» for Audi is now live using Day’s Communiqué. Day integration partner GFT Technologies AG has implemented the portal using Day’s software Communiqué and IBM portal server technology Websphere Portal Server.

Over 45,000 employees in Germany now have a user-friendly interface that allows them easy internal access to about 80 applications. The portal will greatly improve efficiency and quality of work by supporting analysis, decisions and working processes.

The new environment allows even inexperienced users to autonomously contribute complex content. Furthermore, the user-friendly design significantly reduces the cost of updating content. The next phase of the portal rollout will involve advanced personalization capabilities.

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