Davisor, desarrollador especializado en herramientas de visualización y conversión basadas en Java, ha lanzado al mercado una nueva versión 2.0 de su Offisor con funcionalidades mejoradas que incluyen ahora la posibilidad de convertir a XML las imágenes o dibujos incluidas en los documentos Word.

Los usuarios del Offisor 2.0 podrán ahora convertir sus anteriores documentos no XML a este formato de texto y a imágenes SVG y PNG para una mejor indexación y acceso de los documentos. Las principales áreas de aplicación del Davisor Offisor 2.0 incluyen la posibilidad de búsqueda en un almacenamiento central de información, publicación dinámica para web o imprenta, o proceso de documentos adjuntos de correo electrónico.

Web sobre el Offisor 2.0 Davisor  

Más información en la siguiente nota de prensa en inglés

ESPOO, Finland, Feb. 24. Davisor, the leading developer of Java-based data visualization and conversion tools, has released its new Offisor 2.0 with improved Microsoft Word import features, including the ability to convert images and drawings in Word documents into XML in a pure Java computing environment. With Offisor 2.0, users can now turn their legacy non-XML documents into an easy-to-index and accessible standard XML text format and SVG and PNG images.

The main application areas for Davisor Offisor 2.0 include searchable central storage of data, content management, dynamic electronic and printed publishing, and processing of e-mail attachments. Offisor 2.0 converts Word and HTML content into standard XML, which can then be accessed, searched and indexed easily. For example, with an Offisor 2.0-powered mail server application, e-mail recipients can read an attached Word document without Word installed — a feature that is especially handy for PDA devices. In document management and publishing systems, Offisor enables e.g. banks, insurance or health care companies to access data in central databases and embed it in Word forms and documents.

Davisor Offisor 2.0 is a pure Java software component, which can be either embedded into any pure Java application or used independently, thanks to powerful command line applications. Offisor 2.0 does not require proprietary external support software or services. It supports all Word and HTML versions, and is also very tolerant for common document syntax errors. The image formats supported include Word Drawing, Windows Metafile, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BPM.

«Our customers have always been very pleased with the ease-of-use and clear documentation of Offisor,» says Eero Neva, CEO at Davisor. «Now with Offisor 2.0, not only can they bring their Word document archives into real use, but access even the information stored in the images contained in the documents.»

«Offisor has been a big help in our development of Dieselpoint Search,» said Chris Cleveland, CEO at Dieselpoint. «Our search software is written entirely in Java, and it’s been very important for us to be able to parse Microsoft Office documents from within a Java environment.»

Pricing and Availability

Davisor Offisor 2.0 is available today. For detailed product information and
pricing, please visit  http://www.davisor.com/offisor/index.html

About Davisor

Davisor Limited specializes in developing Java software components for presenting and creating dynamic and personalized content. Davisor components are used by companies worldwide. Davisor is focused on enhancing its customers’ solutions with features for personalization, content publishing, and online reporting. For more information, visit www.davisor.com.

About Dieselpoint

Dieselpoint provides advanced search software for enterprise-class applications. By leveraging the power of structure in documents and databases, Dieselpoint provides superior search results. For more information, visit www.dieselpoint.com.

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