Perry Ellis International es un conocido fabricante de ropa de calidad para hombres. La empresa es propietaria de firmas como Perry Ellis, John Henry, Nike o Tommy Hilfiger y utiliza el software de BI de Business Objects para mejorar su rendimiento y la gestión del inventario en toda la empresa. Con la solución de Business Objects, Perry Ellis extrae información de varios sistemas, incluidos sus bases de datos Oracle y Microsoft SQL Server y tras su análisis extrae una visión global del inventario y realiza un seguimiento de los pedidos de sus clientes. Gracias al seguimiento y reporting de las ventas y a la disponibilidad de mercancías, Perry Ellis consigue mejorar el servicio al cliente y la rentabilidad de la empresa.


SAN JOSE, Calif.–July 14, 2004– Perry Ellis International leads the way in determining the latest fashion trends. Now the company is part of a hot technology trend — using Business Objects to improve business performance and inventory management across the enterprise. With Business Objects, a leading provider of business intelligence (BI) solutions, Perry Ellis International pulls information from multiple systems, including its Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases, to gain a unified view of inventory levels and track customer orders. By tracking and reporting on sales and merchandize availability, Perry Ellis International improves customer service and company profitability.

Perry Ellis International is a leading licensor, designer and marketer of high quality menswear. The company owns or licenses dozens of brand names including Perry Ellis, John Henry, PING COLLECTION, as well as Jantzen, Nike and Tommy Hilfiger for swimwear and swimwear accessories. With divisions located across the U.S., it is critical that employees know the location and availability of specific items at any given time in order to better serve customers. Using Business Objects solutions, Perry Ellis builds reports nightly so hundreds of employees who access an intranet the next morning will have the latest information on top selling items, open sales orders, order status, and available inventory. For example, using Business Objects software, Perry Ellis managers know the minute an order is placed, down to the second the requested item is shipped for delivery.

«Business Objects eases the way our employees access and look at information, and we can make decisions more quickly to satisfy customer demand,» said Luis Paez, CIO at Perry Ellis. «In the retail industry, fashion trends change quickly. With Business Objects, Perry Ellis management has the tools they need to monitor the business at all times, stay closer to customer buying patterns, and manage inventory accordingly.»

«By managing inventory requirements on a daily basis, Perry Ellis reduces capital costs and achieves their objective of providing new fashions to the consumer with a speed to market approach,» said Russ Hill, director of worldwide retail and CPG marketing at Business Objects. «Inventory is the largest financial asset in retailing, and for Perry Ellis, having the right product in the right store at the right time is crucial to their success. We are glad that this global leader in fashion relies on Business Objects to achieve their inventory management objectives.»

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