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Cursos de IFRA sobre el XML en los periódicos


Darmstadt, Germany, 15 March 2004 XML is rapidly becoming the preferred format for newspapers and others in related value chains to capture, store and exchange news and media-related content, being adopted increasingly by publishers and software suppliers. Ifra is offering an XML training course on 25 and 26 May 2004 at its headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. The training will be held in English. The fees are 835 euros for Ifra members and 1100 euros for non-members.

The training course is called XML for implementers in news and media. Implementers need to ensure that they get maximum benefit from XML technologies. This course is designed to help them do so. It describes core industry XML standards, including NewsML, AdsML, and JDF, and shows how they can be used within the workflow. It covers tools for dealing with XML and looks at the practical tasks that XML can be used for. It also discusses options for integrating XML into systems architectures. It is desirable that attendees have some prior knowledge of XML, but it is not essential. The training is designed for all who are, or are considering, using XML in their systems: this might include developers, engineers, analysts, and managers. By the end of the course, attendees should have gained an overview of the key XML standards for newspapers and how they are developing, and will have a better understanding of how to integrate XML into their existing architectures.

The trainers are Antony Scott, Technical Director, and Jay Cousins, Senior Consultant, at RivCom. RivCom (www.rivcom.com) provides comprehensive services to help news and media organisations gain business benefit from Internet technologies, including support for strategy development, business process improvement, and technology implementation activities.

More detailed information and a registration form is available under www.ifra.com (events & training) also with a PDF download for the progamme.

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