The incorporation of new features, functions, and capabilities has now changed the face of these…

The incorporation of new features, functions, and capabilities has now changed the face of these solutions in a significant way.

Since their inception, Business Intelligence (BI) solutions have had the goal—via processing and analysis of corporate data—to help information workers and decision makers within an organization make the best-informed business decisions. Today, BI and analytics solutions continue to evolve at a fast pace.

The addition of new software technologies to their stacks, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), has not only enabled the rapid evolution of BI and analytics solutions but also introduced a new type of offering to the market: augmented analytics.

What exactly are augmented analytics (AA) offerings and what are the benefits that these solutions could add to our existing BI and analytics platforms and bring to organizations? Join Jorge Garcia, in this webinar, to learn about the specific advantages that new BI and augmented analytics systems can bring to your organization.

Through this webinar, you will also gain a better understanding of the evolution of BI and analytics systems and how the incorporation of AI technologies brings augmented analytics capabilities that can radically enhance the capacity and efficiency of current BI and analytics solutions for enhanced insight generation and empowerment for organizational growth and success.

Garcia will also guide you through some of the most important aspects regarding the adoption of AA technologies for your organization. Among the topics he will discuss are the factors to consider for organizations in the process of evaluating or selecting AA-based technologies to better run their business. Jorge Garcia is principal analyst in the area of business intelligence (BI) and data management at Technology Evaluation Centers.

He has extensive experience analyzing the software space and the latest developments in technologies as well as best practices impacting manufacturing and other industries.

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