Blackboard, fabricante de software Learning Content Management USA, y con oficinas en España, acaba de lanzar la versión 2.0 del Blackboard Content System, uno de los 3 componentes de su suite para montar proyectos de elearning tanto en empresas como en universidades o instituciones de enseñanza post-bachillerato. Concretamente Blackboard Content System es el Content Management para contenidos para la enseñanza.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 / — Blackboard Inc. announced today the launch of the Blackboard Content System (Release 2.0), in time for the start of the 2004-05 academic year. The Blackboard Content System is a key product in the Blackboard Academic Suite, a comprehensive family of integrated applications for teaching, learning, community-building and knowledge-sharing. With Blackboard’s common platform, students, instructors and other community members quickly acclimate to a look and feel that makes the online environment as familiar as the offline campus.

«The ability to efficiently create, access and share content through the Blackboard Content System has drastically reduced our administrative overhead and made getting information to our users infinitely more manageable,» said Pam Montroy, Director of User Services and Internal Systems at Spectrum Pacific Learning Company, an Affiliate of the National University System. «In just six months, we can already see a significant increase in productivity that is tangible both financially and academically.»

Other institutions that have recognized the value of the Blackboard Content System and are implementing it include: Binghamton University, Clemson University, Cambridge University, Hudson Valley Community College, University of Melbourne, University of Dundee, University of Durham and Ryerson University.

The Blackboard Content System provides students and faculty with better ways to track and navigate learning resources and showcase the work products and milestones of their educational careers through e-Portfolios. Blackboard’s commitment to the content management category, critical for e-Learning, is demonstrated by the many new features in Release 2.0. In addition to key stability fixes and usability enhancements, Release 2.0 contains new features aimed at improving overall content management in an enterprise learning environment, including:

    Enterprise Learning Object Catalog Capability
    *  Learning Objects Catalog — allows institutions to store and describe
       learning objects in a central open repository. Learning objects are
       instructionally useful curriculum resources that can be used
       independently (such as documents or images), or combined to form a
       larger resource (such as a SCORM object). Through the Blackboard
       Learning Object Catalog, faculty can locate and import high quality
       education content for use across course sections, departments and even

    Blackboard Building Blocks API Support for the Blackboard Content
    *  Blackboard Building Blocks APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) —
       enable institutions to extend the Blackboard Content System by taking
       advantage of a robust set of more than 100 newly published APIs. As a
       result, the community of more than 250 institutions and commercial
       vendors that are members of the Blackboard Building Blocks program can
       now develop extensions to the Blackboard Content System.

    Facilitating Content Management, Sharing and Reuse
    *  External Link Item Type — enables institutions to store more than just
       digital files. Now faculty can store and manage links to external
       references (such as library databases), enabling them to reuse these
       resources in multiple courses, etc.
    *  File Copy — allows faculty to copy files that already exist in
       Blackboard Learning System courses into the Blackboard Content
       System, so they can be managed, reused and shared.
    *  Course Copy Enhancements — automatically update permissions on all
       links to items in the Blackboard Content System as part of the Course
       Copy process.
    *  Link Checkers — ensure that links from courses, organizations and e-
       Portfolios to items residing in the Blackboard Content System are
       valid, and that users have the appropriate permission to view those
    *  e-Portfolio Copy — enables users to copy existing e-Portfolios so that
       users can create a new e-Portfolio based on an existing one.
    *  Share with Course Group Permission — allows students to share files
       and folders with members of course and organization groups.

«The Blackboard Content System was introduced in March 2004 to lower costs and increase simplicity associated with managing learning content online,» said Michael Chasen, CEO of Blackboard. «As it gains momentum in the market, we continue to invest in new functionality that increases its effectiveness and improves our clients’ overall success with learning content management. Many of the enhancements in this release are directly attributed to client suggestion and experience.»

On an ongoing basis, Blackboard will continue to make new features and system maintenance available through Application Packs between major releases. Clients can download Release 2.0 of the Blackboard Content System from Behind the Blackboard, a password-protected area of the Company’s website.

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