La compra por parte de Autonomy (con oficinas en España) de Virage (con presencia en España con varios clientes) está dando sus frutos. En los próximos días las dos compañías anunciarán la integración de la tecnología de reconociento de voz y audio de Autonomy con el sistema de gestión de video de Virage. Estamos ante un importante acontecimiento tecnológico que abre las puertas al reconocimiento y búsqueda automática de audio y video.


AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Sept. 12 / — Autonomy Corporation plc, a leading provider of infrastructure software for the enterprise, and Virage, a leading provider of video and rich media communication software, today announced that following the announcement of Autonomy’s acquisition of Virage on September 2, they will unveil their first integrated products at IBC 2003 in Amsterdam. Autonomy and Virage will be demonstrating the new products at the Virage suite, room 132 in Hall 8, RAI Convention Center. Virage products will also be shown in Hall 8, Booth 8.161.

Virage, a new division of Autonomy, has embedded Autonomy’s award winning Dremedia and Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) technologies within the Virage rich media products and business solutions for corporations, government agencies, universities, media and entertainment companies worldwide. The technologies are integrated into the Virage SmartEncode and Virage Solution Server products powering the Virage business solutions for video production, archiving, webcasting, publishing and news monitoring. The addition of the powerful Dremedia and IDOL technologies provide a completely automated infrastructure for all existing and new Virage products.

With more than 400 installations worldwide, the Virage SmartEncode software is the industry’s leading solution for automated capture, encoding and indexing of video. The product suite includes the award-winning VideoLogger for automated encoding and indexing of video and the ControlCenter for centralized scheduling, monitoring and management of tens or even hundreds of capture stations.

The Virage Solution Server provides a range of content management functions for enterprise-scale rich media applications, including data storage, full text search, content editing and access control. The Solution Server is the foundation of Virage’s packaged VS Production, VS Publishing, and VS Webcasting solutions and provides the platform for the Virage news monitoring solution.

Dremedia’s technology is built upon Autonomy’s unique Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), which automatically integrates unstructured, semi-structured and structured information from multiple repositories through an understanding of their content. Autonomy grants enterprises the flexibility to use advanced information retrieval or legacy-based approaches. At the heart of Autonomy’s software is its ability to process text, voice and video and identify and rank the main concepts within them. It then automatically categorizes, links, summarizes, personalizes and delivers that information.

Dremedia’s technology is the only fully automated, integrated and synchronized technology available for rich media content management. Dremedia’s technology employs the most advanced speech recognition, video and audio analysis and synchronization technologies to deliver unparalleled automation to the handling of audio, video or text-based content.

Born out of over 10 years of commercial and academic research and development, Dremedia’s technology can take any broadcast stream in real-time, analyze all aspects of the content and dynamically create an XML index consisting of millisecond-accurate time-codes describing attributes of the content (such as key frames, speaker IDs and an automatically-generated transcript, etc.). This can then be used to enable applications in speech and audio processing, such as: speech recognition, speaker recognition, language recognition and speech enhancement.

Because of the accuracy and utility of the speech recognition, Dremedia’s products are the only products that enable the frame-accurate selection of video via an interface onto an automatically generated transcript. In addition, Dremedia’s proprietary technology — using advanced signal processing techniques — enables an image to be segmented into its component parts, so that they may be identified, understood, labeled and indexed.

«We are pleased to unveil the first integration of our technologies,» said Autonomy CEO and co-founder, Dr. Michael Lynch. «The successful and rapid integration reflects the position of Autonomy’s Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) and Dremedia technologies as the key infrastructures for the automated management of all forms of unstructured information. The Virage products, with these technologies embedded, positions Virage to take advantage of its clear leadership position and deliver customers access to the world’s leading video technologies and business solutions.»

Por Editorial

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