La empresa Regio-i ( que hace el hosting de más de 20 diarios regionales holandeses, va a utilizar Vignette para la gestión de contenidos de los respectivos webs así como para conectar la web con los sistemas de edición que utiliza cada periódico.


AUSTIN, Texas–Sept. 29, 2003–Vignette Corp. today announced that Regio-i, the Dutch media hosting company, has rolled out Vignette as its standard content management platform. Regio-i hosts sites for 10 regional daily and weekly publications. By consolidating its Web initiatives on Vignette, Regio-i has been able to reduce operational and management costs, as well as improve the editorial process and overall user satisfaction in managing the hosted sites.

Vignette enables the hosting company’s 20 Internet editors to quickly and easily edit and publish news stories and information to the news sites without requiring IT support. This increase in productivity, together with the solution’s strong integration capabilities into the various publishing houses’ back-end systems, compliance to open standards, scalability and flexibility, were just some of the reasons Regio-i elected to standardize on Vignette.

«Standardizing our news sites on Vignette’s content management platform has led to an unprecedented level of user satisfaction,» said Mark Londal, operations manager at Regio-i. «The editors can now easily edit their Web sites and publish news as it happens. The ease of use and quality of the new platform has taken the pressure off of our helpdesk and has freed up our IT developers so they can now focus on new innovations and ideas. We were also able to cut down the implementation time from several weeks to just one day by using the Vignette Business Integration Studio.»

«Regio-i, like many of our customers across Europe, is realizing the benefit of standardizing its Web initiatives on a single content management and portal platform,» said Gonzalo Usandizaga, vice president and general manager of Vignette’s Europe, Middle East and Africa region.(EMEA). «An effective Web consolidation strategy not only delivers improved user satisfaction and reduces costs, but also increases speed to market of on-line initiatives and improves customer satisfaction.»

Regio-i has been a Vignette customer since 2001 and originally selected Vignette because of its extended functionality, its specific features for news sites and its scalability. The platform replaced a series of disparate sites developed by the regional publications.

Tribune Interactive Inc., China Times, CNET Inc., McGraw Hill, Ziff Davis Media Inc. and Wegener eMedia are among Vignette’s clients in the media sector.

About Regio-i

Regio-i is the Internet hosting company for several Dutch regional daily and weekly publications, including Hollandse Dagbladcombinatie (HDC), Noordelijke Dagblad Combinatie (NDC), and Media Groep Limburg (MGL). Regio-i manages the various Web sites on behalf of its media partners, including the news and commercial sites. More information about Regio-i can be found at

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