Una importante institución financiera europea implantará una solución de ReadSoft para automatizar la corresponencia mantenida con los clientes. Además de gestionar un volumen de millones de documentos al año, la aplicación de ReadSoft clasificará y extraerá información de los documentos.

Nota de prensa en inglés:

Major European financial institution has chosen ReadSoft to automate the management of their customer correspondence in a deal worth 800,000 EUR. The agreement was signed during the third quarter of 2012.

The customer’s mailroom handles millions of documents each year in a fast moving and accuracy-dependent business. The ReadSoft solution will not only handle the large volume of documents but crucially provide advanced classification and accurate data extraction – including the handling of handwritten documents to tight service level agreements (SLAs).

Speed and accuracy are essential in the banking and insurance market, under the scrutiny of regulators and with organizations looking to protect and enhance their reputation and trust.

”This win demonstrates ReadSoft’s continuous development in handling all document types and mailroom operations as part of the drive for wider business process automation and our continued expansion in the banking and insurance market,” says Per Åkerberg, President and CEO of ReadSoft.

Por Editorial

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