Sybase, compañía especializada en soluciones de integración wireless de bases de datos, plataformas y aplicaciones, he elegido recientemente la solución de gestión documental IDOL Server de Autonomy como estándar empresarial para la recuperación y el proceso inteligente de información no estructurada.

Sybase se halla actualmente en un proceso de consolidación de soluciones tecnológicas. Los proyectos iniciales en los que esta compañía especializada en soluciones wireless utilizará la tecnología de Autonomy serán la modernización del servicio de atención al clientes y la gestión documental de los contenidos de su web.

Los ingenieros que utilicen a partir de este momento el nuevo sistema de recuperación de la información implementado en la compañía podrán utilizar lenguaje natural en la descripción de sus necesidades de búsqueda. El sistema permitirá la recuperación de información tomando como base una variedad de repositorios que incluye Lotus Notes, aplicaciones de CRM, sistemas de gestión de casos, bases de datos ODCB, documentos Word o el propio sistema de información de la intranet de la compañía.

Para más información leer la siguiente nota de prensa en inglés.

Autonomy’s Infrastructure Software to Power Customer Service & Support
Solution and to Provide Search on

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5 Autonomy Corporation plc, a leading provider of infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced that Sybase, a leading provider of enterprise infrastructure and mobile software, has selected Autonomy’s IDOL Server as the enterprise standard for information retrieval and intelligent processing of unstructured information. Initial projects will be for use behind Sybase’s forward-facing Web site and for use within its Customer Service and Support Group (CS&S).  Autonomy’s technology replaces several legacy information retrieval solutions.

According to Sybase CIO, Jim Swartz, Sybase is working to consolidatetechnology solutions across the enterprise.  «We saw the benefit of using Autonomy’s software to create a single layer across the enterprise that enables automated information aggregation and search,» said Swartz. «Because we have embedded Autonomy’s technology within our own Enterprise Portal solution, we recognized its unique capabilities.»

The Sybase Customer Service and Support Group required a solution to help its technical support engineers locate information within the CS&S knowledge base faster so that they could provide better support and improve case
resolution times, while at the same time reducing costs.  In addition, CS&S wanted a faster and more automated solution for routing incoming technical support requests.

With Autonomy’s IDOL Server, engineers will be able to use natural language to describe exactly what they need and get back relevant information from a variety of repositories, including Lotus Notes, ODBC databases, CRM
application, case management system, technical support tracking system, Word documents, as well as information from the Sybase Intranet.

«We are pleased to work with Sybase not only as an OEM partner, but also as a customer,» said Autonomy CEO and co-founder Dr. Michael Lynch.  «Sybase provides world-class solutions for data management and we are honored that they selected our technology to automate the aggregation and delivery of unstructured information on their forward-facing Web site as well as an internal knowledge management portal.»

Autonomy’s unique Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) integrates unstructured, semi-structured and structured information from multiple repositories through an understanding of their content. Autonomy grants
enterprises the flexibility to use advanced information retrieval or legacy- based approaches. At the heart of Autonomy’s software is its ability to process text, voice and video, and identify and rank the main concepts
within them. It then automatically categorizes, links, summarizes, personalizes and delivers that information. Autonomy’s technology also drives collaboration across the enterprise and enables organizations to effectively leverage expertise. Autonomy’s infrastructure technology is used to automate operations within enterprise information portals, customer relationship management, knowledge management, business intelligence and e-business applications, among others.

Por Editorial

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