El Grupo Volkswagen ha elegido Day Communiqué para gestionar todas sus webs a nivel mundial. Day communiqué es un CMS de gama alta fabricado por la empresa suiza Day, que cotiza en la Bolsa suiza. Day no tiene oficinas en España.


Newport Beach, CA and Basel, Switzerland, May 9, 2003 Day, a provider of enterprise content management software, today announced that it has won Volkswagen Group as a new customer. After an intensive evaluation, Europes largest automobile manufacturer has decided for Day and has signed a Group license contract with Day. Accordingly, Days technology Communiqué will serve as new corporate standard for all web initiatives within the entire Volkswagen Group. The first Intranet project for Audi AG is already in the stage of implementation. This and all following projects will be conducted by various system integration partners.

To effectively manage our corporate wide web strategy we require a very flexible, open and scalable enterprise content management system, said Carsten Meyer-Trexler, Volkswagen Informatikzentrum. Raphael Müller, who headed the evaluation team at Audi, added: After comparing Days Communiqué to all of the other major content management systems, we found that Day offered the most innovative and mature and easiest to implement solution. With Days technology, we will be able to achieve synergies and real advantages in efficiency by unifying our web properties across the entire Volkswagen Group.

We are very pleased to be selected corporate wide by Volkswagen Group, said Michael Moppert, CEO of Day. Days Communiqué provides Volkswagen with a robust infrastructure for efficiently managing all digital content, systems, applications and processes throughout their enterprise. With this kind of access to the mission-critical content and information within their company, Volkswagen will have the ability to achieve true business agility.

About Day (www.day.com)

Day is a leading provider of integrated content, portal and digital asset management software. Day’s technology Communiqué offers a comprehensive, rapidly deployable framework to unify and manage all digital business data, systems, applications and processes through the web. Communiqué’s content-centric architecture, and its innovative ContentBus, turns the entire business into a virtual repository, bringing together content from any system, regardless of location, language or platform.

Day is an international company, founded in 1993, and listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange New Market (SWX: DAYN) since April 2000. Day’s customers are some of the largest global corporations and include Aral, Degussa, Escada, General Electric, Hugo Boss, Six Continents Hotels and UBS.

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