AIIM, la asociación de empresas de Enterprise Content Management, ha puesto en marcha un comité para la creación de un estándard XML que facilite el intercambio de documentos escaneados. El estándard servirá para definir no sólo el documento en sí, sino también la metainformación (información sobre los documentos).


AIIM International Announces XML Standards Initiative for the Exchange of Document Images and Related Metadata
Monday April 7, 8:24 am ET
New Draft Standard Enables XML Users to Leverage Existing Software Systems and Expertise to Exchange Images of Documents, Related Indices, and Metadata

NEW YORK-April 7, 2003– AIIM International, the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) industry association, today announced the ballot results on a new standard using Extended Markup Language (XML) tags to facilitate the exchange of information managed by document management technologies – this includes the associated metadata defining and/or describing the information to be shared.

This standard focuses specifically on document image files and may result in the development of an International Standard within ISO TC 171/SC2/WG2.

Scanned bitmap images of paper documents have become a common method of storing and sharing information in the business and private sector. The increasing growth of the Internet and sharing of information demands an efficient standardized method for exchanging images and the metadata associated with them.

This standard will establish a method for not only enabling the sharing of images, but also the critical index and other values needed to store, retrieve, and distribute them.

«We view this standard as an opportunity to provide the industry with much needed direction toward the standardization of XML for use in exchanging images and the critical data associated with them,» said John Mancini, president, AIIM International. «We look forward to extending the industry’s knowledge for leveraging image data, as it relates to ECM.»

XML is rapidly growing in use as a method of sharing metadata with text files, but does not currently support binary data, such as document images. This standard will identify ways to accomplish the exchange of images using XML data structures to enable the growing body of XML users to leverage existing software systems.

The goal of the standard is to improve document image exchange and facilitate the sharing of indices and other data without needing to convert them from other non-standard formats.

The AIIM Standards C29.1, XML Envelope committee is under the direction of William E. Neale, from eVisory Consulting and Bernard Chester, IMERGE Consulting as the project editor. Mr. Neale commented «We believe the draft balloted to the committee brings us one step closer the culmination of this important project. Comments received from the ballot will be discussed at the committee’s April 1th meeting.»

Primary responsibility for development of XML standards rests with the W3C consortium. As such, AIIM will coordinate with both W3C and JTC1 toward the development of the use of XML for document images, as well as Dublin Core, NISO and other metadata efforts.

Individuals or organizations interested in joining the committee should contact Betsy Fanning, AIIM International, at 301.755.2682, or via email at

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