Interwoven está apostando fuerte por la gestión de email corporativo y su archivo. En breve su email management también funcionará con Lotus Notes, con el que no funcionaba hasta ahora. El email management de Interwoven funciona también con Microsoft Outlook yNovell GroupWise.


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Aug. 9 / — Interwoven, Inc. (Nasdaq: IWOV), the world’s next-generation enterprise content management (ECM) company, today announced that it is extending its market leading e-mail Management solution to support businesses using Lotus Notes. The new E-mail Management for Notes solution is an addition to already available solutions for Microsoft Outlook and Novell GroupWise. Interwoven’s E-mail Management solution is based on Interwoven WorkSite 8, the industry-leading collaborative document management system. The solution offers immediate relief to organizations challenged with addressing records retention policies and removing the risks created by e-mail and documents disassociated and split between multiple repositories.

E-mail management has become a pressing issue for today’s professional services firms and enterprises that rely on e-mail for an increasingly large volume of critical business communications. According to a survey of leading law firms conducted in 2003 by Interwoven, more than 70% of such firms report that the majority of their client and engagement communication occurs via e-mail. Typically, e-mail is stored in user in-boxes, on local hard drives, and in server-based e-mail archives, outside whatever document management system the firm might have in place. As a result, the matter and client content they contain cannot be reliably searched, accessed, or shared by attorneys in other locations; a particular liability given the fact that 75% of the firms surveyed reported that they are managing client matters with multi-office practices and matter teams. Such e-mail is also easily deleted by users or administrators, making compliance with record retention policies difficult if not impossible to enforce, and posing the constant risk of lost information and knowledge.

The challenge organizations face today is to ensure that all e-mail is captured and managed in the context of the engagement to which it relates. Without a unified record of all client correspondence and associated documents, companies are exposed to higher risk in the event of a dispute or the loss of client data through the departure of a key employee. The new E-mail Management for Lotus Notes solution lays the foundation for better records keeping and knowledge management by delivering distributed access to a virtual engagement workspace that provides a single view into the full scope of matter or project-related content.

«We are pleased to learn that Interwoven will be offering a module for managing Lotus Notes email,» said Andrea Daeubler, CIO of Morgan Lewis, one of the ten largest law firms in the US. «With almost 2,800 people in our firm depending on Notes for their email correspondence, our email interactions continue to grow, posing both information sharing and storage issues. We anticipate that the new Notes module will give our teams a unique way to manage their client correspondence while allowing us to mitigate risk, enhance internal collaboration, and assist our efforts regarding records management and retention.»

Interwoven’s E-mail Management for Notes solution brings an integrated approach to managing day-to-day correspondence and documents in a way that streamlines work process and leverages the environment users are accustomed to today. The solution consists of:

E-mail Management for Notes module: With the E-mail Management for Notes module, the entire Interwoven WorkSite repository is exposed to Notes users as a traversable set of engagement-based folders. This enables e-mail and documents to be dragged and dropped directly into the repository alongside all other engagement-related content. The result is the elimination of switching between applications or searching multiple repositories to find content. Notes users receive the added WorkSite 8 benefit of rich document management capabilities — by simply dragging an e-mail message into the subject folder it automatically inherits the profile/metadata of the engagement, helping reduce search times and enforce compliance and records retention rules. Documents from the repository can be selected and attached to outgoing e-mail, and inbound e-mail can be detached and placed back in as new or updated versions.

Interwoven WorkSite Communication Server: WorkSite Communication Server software makes it simple for companies to capture inbound and outbound e-mail correspondence in context by engagement, and merge it with other relevant documents and content in a collaborative document management system. With the WorkSite Communication Server, organizations are able to associate e-mail addresses with each engagement — or engagement sub-folder — in the Interwoven WorkSite repository; correspondence can then be copied and sent easily to any e-mail recipient. Using the WorkSite Communication Server’s advanced metadata capabilities, correspondence can automatically be routed and filed in the appropriate folders within the Interwoven content repository. By keeping all e-mail in a single, easily searchable repository rather than in individual user in-boxes and archives, the solution: maintains a complete record of all correspondence on each engagement; aids compliance; and helps companies respond more effectively to client and discovery inquiries.

«The changing landscape of compliance and records retention continues to be a priority topic to our customers,» said Dan Carmel, vice president, legal and enterprise compliance solutions for Interwoven. «With these changes, best practices in e-mail management dictate that all relevant correspondence maintain association with key engagement document and materials. This extension of our E-mail Management solution to include Lotus Notes enables more organizations to maintain these best practices, increase productivity through familiar tools and mitigate the risks and costs associated with the overload of e-mail they are experiencing today.»

The E-mail Management for Notes solution will be available in Q3 2004. To learn more about the Interwoven E-mail Management for Notes solution, there will be a complimentary Webinar on August 19, 2004 at 8:30 am PT/11:30 pm ET. To register visit

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