La agencia tributaria suiza ha elegido Captiva, fabricante de soluciones para la gestión documental y de captura, para procesar la enorme cantidad de documentos y formularios que recibe anualmente. Gracias a la implementación de InputAccel la agencia digitaliza la documentación que recibe e indexa  de forma automática datos como el número de identificación fiscal del contribuyente, proceso que hasta ahora se realizaba manualmente. El nuevo sistema perme aumentar la productividad de la agencia tributaria y ahorrar en costes operacionales.


MUNICH –June 1, 2004–Captiva Software Corp., a leading provider of input management solutions, today announced that the City of Zurich Tax Office has selected InputAccel, Captiva’s flagship document capture solution, to capture and help process the 3.5 million tax forms and documents it receives annually.

As documents, forms and taxpayer correspondence enter the Tax Office and are scanned, InputAccel will automatically capture index data such as taxpayer identification numbers that were previously entered manually into the city’s tax system. The electronic document will then be distributed to the correct person or department for processing by CaptureTax, the Tax Office’s tax processing solution. The combined system is expected to increase the productivity of tax office personnel and substantially reduce operation costs.

«The Zurich Tax Office should be more efficient and be able to better serve their constituents as a result of using InputAccel,» said Mark Lewis, Captiva’s vice president of EMEA Operations. «In addition to streamlining the processing of incoming documents, the office was pleased with the cost-benefit ratio that InputAccel offered.»

InputAccel is Captiva’s award-winning information capture system that transforms mission-critical data from paper and faxes into business-ready content. InputAccel ensures the integrity of incoming data and converts it into formats usable in back-end systems, including XML, image files and custom transaction formats. By delivering accurate, timely and usable data, InputAccel offers users reduced operational costs, better information quality and accelerated business processes.

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