Tridion Gran Bretaña está lanzando en las últimas semanas una campaña de información a los diferentes estamentos de la Administración británica sobre la importante ayuda que puede significarles la implementación de un sistema de Gestión de Contenidos. Hay que tener en cuenta que en Gran Bretaña la gran mayoría de la Administración deberá cumplir en el 2005, por Ley, con una serie de requisitos en materia de e-Government o de puesta a disposición pública de información gubernamental.


UK public sector caught up in content spaghetti   
Online processes to be streamlined with dedicated government team

London, 11 March 2003 – Tridion has launched a public sector taskforce to help government bodies cope with the boom in demand for content rich, transactional websites.

The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) specialist has already seen a tenfold increase in requests for ECM solutions from government organisations over the past 12 months. It attributes this to the 2005 online initiative and the subsequent need to invest in online delivery to improve services. To cope with this demand and address future customer requirements, Tridion has created a dedicated team that will enable these organisations to make their websites more interactive.

The taskforce will deliver help-desk support through its public sector hotline (01344 766 704) and will offer specialist consultancy advice. It will also help public sector bodies ensure they conform to standards such as the eGovernment Interoperability Framework (eGIF), the eGovernment Metadata Standard (eGMS), the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and the Freedom of Information Act, amongst others. 

The team has also developed a public sector information gateway ( The site includes technical documents, online demos and customer references relevant to local and central government, charities, and non-profit and educational organisations.

Together, the hotline and gateway aim to provide comprehensive answers to any question regarding online delivery.

While the Modernising Government initiative has given public sector bodies the requisite funds to invest in technology, many are unaware of the specific requirements they face regarding their content until implementation has been initiated, said Alun Cope-Morgan, managing director at Tridion UK and Ireland. We receive interest from organisations that want to offer services that go beyond simply having a web presence, moving from brochureware to transactional sites. They are looking to enhance online citizen interaction for all.

Cope-Morgan continued, It is to enable these bodies to make the most of the 2005 initiative that weve launched our public sector taskforce. By creating a specialist team, we will have a greater understanding of the specific needs and requirements they face and in so doing, will be better placed to enable them to improve services for UK citizens. 

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